3 Reasons to wake up at 5am everyday

Duncan McVey
2 min readMay 25, 2021

#1- When waking up at 5am before the rest of the world it is like you are in your own little bubble. No one else will bother you, you can do whatever you want to do. I usually choose to be productive with my morning by reading books, watching videos on how to better myself, or going over what I will do for work for the day. It is yours personal time, do what you want with it.

#2- When you wake up and get productive right away you when start your work day you already feel productive so the day goes by much easier and work is not as hard. Not to mention you have already been up for a couple hours so that foggy mind right when you usually start work does not exist.

#3- You go to bed excited to wake up the next morning. When you have things that you personally want to do every morning during your mornings you get excited. I have a routine that I do every morning and I love my routine, it is apart of the reason I have such a healthy mind. There is no more going to sleep dreading the next day instead you wake up with enthusiasm ready to kick the day right in the teeth.

I believe everyone should have a routine, and there is always exceptions to waking up at 5am like if you work nights or if you work shift work. There is just something about waking up a couple hours earlier and dedicating them to your person. It is self love, once you learn to love yourself your love for others will become stronger. So love yourself, wake up early.

